Our own products are Autonomous Offshore Fish Farming Vessels (AOFFV), in differet configurations, as well as current shields both abowe and below the water surface. There has been different versions presented, and the Wave Master was an early stage project launched in Norway. A smaller manual Versions was the Typhoon Master, and also the Typhoon Cage for far east waters.
The AOFFV’s are fully autonomous fish farming vessel that handles over 25m high waves, the strongest winds and challenging ocean currents.
The latest Version of our Autonomous Offshore Fish Farming Vessel handles the waves even better than the Wave Master, and has huge emphasis on the invironmental friendly green technologies, fish health and phosphorus regeneration.
The Typhoon Master is a manual operated fish farming vessel, based on the same patent as the Autonomous Offshore Fish Farming Vessel, but designed for lower waves and ocean currents.
Environmental Vision Norway is a company that developes techniques and solutions to increase productivity in an ecofriendly way.
The Autonomous Offshore Fish Farming Vessel shown above can safely farm fish in higher waves, in stronger currents and at a lower cost than any other installation.
Contact us to find new solutions or add value to your company.